Tradescantia, Wandering Jews, or Inchplant Houseplant Care

Tradescantia, Wandering Jews, or Inchplant Houseplant Care

Tradescantias are such stunning plants! Their vibrant colors and unique textures make them a personal favorite in my own indoor garden. I absolutely adore the rich purple hues of Tradescantia pallida, the shimmering silver stripes of Tradescantia zebrina, and the gorgeous variegated patterns of Tradescantia fluminensis. There's a variety for every taste, and honestly, they’re my go-to when it comes to indoor plants!

One of the things I find most fascinating about Tradescantia plants is how their colors can intensify or even shift based on light exposure and how you care for them. For instance, I’ve noticed that some varieties develop deeper, richer colors when they get more sunlight, while others show off their variegation more vividly in just the right conditions.

Their trailing, cascading growth is another reason I love them—they look stunning in hanging baskets, on shelves, or in elevated planters. And the best part? They’re so easy to care for, making them perfect for both beginners and seasoned plant lovers! These were my first "indoor" plants, but I ended up placing them outside, and they adjusted surprisingly well. A few leaves got scorched, but once I trimmed away the dry ones, they seemed to "forgive" me and rewarded me with even more growth!

Whether I’m admiring them from a distance or taking the time to nurture them up close, Tradescantia plants always captivate me with their stunning colors and unique textures. They never fail to draw me in!

Purple Hearts, characterized by Deep Purple Colors with a slightly Pink Flower 



Tradescantia Zebrina or Inchplant is characterized by Silver/ Green and Purple Leaves




While they may vary in appearance, their care requirements are generally similar. Here are some general care tips for Tradescantia plants:


Tradescantias prefer bright, indirect light but can tolerate lower light conditions. Avoid direct sunlight, especially during the hottest part of the day, as it can scorch the leaves.

For our Purple Hearts, we keep some outdoors, away from direct bright light, and they thrive in the California sunshine. We've also placed a few alongside our succulents, giving them the same care, and they’ve done really well. Additionally, we’ve placed some under an orange tree, where they get about 5 hours of sunlight, and they continue to thrive beautifully.


The Plants don't require a lot of attention. It only needs water when the soil is dry. You can water them every 1-2 weeks, please touch the soil before watering since overwatering will kill the plants. If the soil is dry, then please water them. 

Water the Soil not the Plant. When you water the Leaves, it will add weight into the Leave and will eventually turn black and wilt. 


These plants appreciate higher humidity levels, so misting the leaves occasionally or placing a humidifier nearby can be beneficial, especially in dry indoor environments.


 Tradescantias prefer temperatures between 60°F to 75°F (15°C to 24°C). Avoid exposing them to drafts or extreme temperature fluctuations.


Using a well-draining potting mix rich in organic matter is crucial for the health and vitality of Tradescantia plants. While they are not overly picky about soil, providing them with a suitable growing medium ensures optimal growth and prevents issues like waterlogging, which can lead to root rot.

For outdoor plantings, incorporating compost into the soil is an excellent way to enrich it with nutrients and improve its texture. Compost adds organic matter, enhances soil structure, and promotes beneficial microbial activity, all of which contribute to healthier plant growth. Mixing compost into the soil before planting or using it as a top dressing around established plants can provide ongoing benefits.

When it comes to indoor plantings, convenience often plays a role in choosing potting mix. While specialty mixes formulated for tropical plants or those containing peat moss, perlite, and compost are ideal, using any well-draining potting mix available at Home Depot or Lowe's can still yield satisfactory results. The key is to ensure that the mix provides good drainage and aeration for the plant's roots.

Regardless of the type of potting mix used, it's essential to select pots with adequate drainage holes to prevent water from accumulating at the bottom, which can lead to root rot. Additionally, using pots with saucers or trays underneath can catch excess water and prevent it from causing waterlogged conditions.


Feed your Tradescantia plant with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted to half strength every 4-6 weeks during the growing season. Avoid fertilizing in winter when growth slows down

Indoor Vs. Outdoor

Wandering Jew is a great houseplant! Place them in a room where it is bright and they will absorb any indirect sunlight.

They can also be outdoor but place them away away away from direct sun. Other than Purple Hearts, we put our inch plants in the patio outside. They thrive really well!

In our experience, the plant seems to grow better outside then inside. Depending on your area, if you get frost during Winter then it is not a good idea to put the plant outside.

When it gets Leggy, It's time to Propagate!

Simply cut 3-4 leaves from the top, dip it in water and rooting hormone and put it back into the soil. You will have bushier and more Wandering Jews.

Another way, is to put it in water (similar to Potho Plants Propagation) wait for it to grow roots. It will grow in about 1-2 weeks, then slowly introduce soil by adding 1 tablespoon of soil into the water. Or you can also keep it in water for additional 3-4 weeks until the roots system is established then pot it. 

By following these care tips, you can help your Tradescantia plants thrive and showcase their beautiful colors and foliage.


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