Spider Plants Care

Spider Plants Care

Spider Plant also known as Chlorophytum Comosum

Spider plant has been a popular houseplant all over the world. When given proper care, the plant can grow really fast and produce lots of long stems that will eventually turned into its own plants. These are called "Babies". Soak babies in water for a few days, and they will develop roots. Once roots appear, add a tablespoon of soil each day until the soil completely replaces the water.

Indoor vs. Outdoor:

Spider Plant can grow outdoor but not in the frost period. If temperature goes below 30 degree Fahrenheit then it is time to bring it inside.

They like bright, indirect sunlight indoors or Partial Shade outdoor. They will produce of babies/ pups/ spiderettes/ offshoots with plenty of lights.


Too much sun will cause full foliage with brown spots of sunburns.


Spider Plants love consistent watering. Touch the soil, if it feels dry then it is time to give them water. Don’t overwater as it may kill the plant.

Soil to Use:

Spider Plants are fast grower. They are not picky so you can use any soil such as General Potting Mix to keep them happy and growing.

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